Relax and Rejuvenate

At Vaikuntha Yoga Shala we teach ancient Pranayama and Meditation practices not only to still mind but also to steadfast stillness in life. Relaxed Stressfree mind is considered to have better focus and attention span.


KayaSthairiyam, Yoga Nidra, Pratipakshbhaav ,Trataka, Antara Mouna to name a few traditional practices that are been to calm down the racing mind.
We believe that, the litmus trial of Sadhana is when the sadhak is able to stay calm alert and aware in his day to day living.


Regular practice of Guided Savasana Yoga Nidra can help gain clarity of subconscious.


Relaxing physical agony through guided auto suggestion disconnecting with pain networking and learning to form healing soothing network.


Targeting the origin the root of trauma, pain, agony we work hand in hand aiding the practitioner by counselling talking it out, giving the specially curated self practice vanitygen and regularly following up the progress.


Finding a balance between busy fast pacing life by silencing the mind nurturing the soul and healing the body.

To experience this fine tune balance